Education: Schools’ Training


Schools' Training

Our school, academy or college training provides staff with the skills and confidence to create an inclusive learning environment for your lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning pupils or students. EACH delivers training and consultancy on LGBT+ matters to Senior Leadership Teams, classroom practitioners, pastoral and learning support staff, governors and other professionals with a duty of care towards young people.

From anti-bullying resources, policy guidance and lesson ideas schools gain positive, constructive methods to support pupils, students and staff whilst challenging homophobic, biphobic or transphobic behaviour.

EACH designs bespoke programmes prioritising a school’s, academy’s or college’s individual needs and requirements.

LGBT+ inclusive Relationship & Sex Education

Delivering Relationship & Sex Education in a way that is inclusive of LGBT+ issues is a vital step towards making a school, academy or college a respectful and legally compliant environment.

How could EACH help your school, academy or college?

We create and convene courses tailored to primary, secondary and tertiary settings which prepare participants to deliver the curriculum in a way that acknowledges LGBT+ identities.

Participants leave our sessions:

  • Confident to use the relevant and appropriate terms to describe sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Prepared to meet new statutory requirements and equalities duties implemented as of September 2021
  • Knowledgeable of safeguarding matters and feeling equipped for Ofsted and other inspections
  • Self-assured to use a range of resources to support teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Ready to update existing materials, policies and approaches within your setting in line with RSE expectations
  • Well-equipped to respond to enquiries from pupils, parents, colleagues, governors, trustees and the wider community

EACH RSE training prepared participants to deliver RSE which encouraged children or young people to:

  • develop self-efficacy, resilience, boundaries and self-worth
  • cultivate positive emotional and mental wellbeing and acknowledge how friendships can support this
  • learn to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships
  • understand human sexuality and respect themselves and others
  • build confidence, self-esteem and understand the reasons for delaying sexual activity so they can make safe, informed and healthy choices
  • be clear about topics around consent and the importance of effective communication

EACH believes that children should be taught:

  • to form opinions about others based on whether they are kind, respectful, trustworthy and responsible rather than judging them on appearance, aspects of difference or unsubstantiated judgements
  • about acceptance, empathy, prejudice, discrimination plus the rights and responsibilities they have as UK and global citizens
  • how to access help if they are involved in a bullying or abusive situation

Why is LGBT+ informed RSE important?

RSE is about alleviating stereotyping, accepting and respecting people and celebrating difference rather than denigrating it. All children and all family compositions, as well as school or college staff, deserve respect and recognition. Understanding and using appropriate terminology in an age-appropriate way is vital to equip children for life in the UK today and in their futures..

No child should ever be made to feel less accepted or that their family is any less loving and caring than another. There are many diverse family situations; some children will have parents who are separated, some may live with a mother and father, others may have stepparents, some may live in extended multi-generational families. Others may be fostered or adopted or have other family arrangements. Some of those in parenting roles will be heterosexual and some will be LGBT+.  It is essential that RSE reflects a wide range of families in its images and content so these resonate with every child or young person in your class.

Some children may feel that they do not fit in or that they are in some way different. These children can feel isolated, vulnerable and less able to apply themselves to learning. This difference may be about their developing sexuality or gender identity but equally it may be about appearance, body-image, achievements, language, speech or any number of perceived differences. Cultivating compassion for self and others is central to the learning outcomes of RSE.


Thanks again for your excellent training which has generated great follow up conversations.

 I’ve gained increased confidence in understanding the complex relationship between gender, sex and sexuality. I now aim to be as inclusive as possible in my classroom.

It was a really good presentation. I learnt loads from you and I was surprised at how little I knew about recent laws that have come into place around LGBT+ issues. I am pleased that I came along. Thank you.

 Good and clear information. The training was great and provided understandable information. The activities were involving and interesting.

 Thank you for a great session. I met with the student group again and they were really enthusiastic… I cannot express how valuable your support and insights were.

Gender Matters: Trans/Transgender and Gender Identity

This ever-increasingly requested course provided in-depth knowledge about how to make a school, academy or college more inclusive. It was appropriate for staff eager to improve their understanding of gender, gender identity and transgender matters and vital to a Senior Leadership Team or HR colleagues to meet legal compliance. We covered legislation which under-pinned LGBT+ matters and used interactive activities to explore all the issues relevant to schools, academies and colleges.

On completion of the session participants were:

  • Familiar with key legislation and its requirements for schools, academies and colleges
  • Know what are your institutions rights and responsibilities and those of your pupil or teacher (in the case of a staff member transitioning gender)
  • Confident to use appropriate and inclusive language in school
  • Aware of the experiences of LGBT+ pupils or staff and alert to their needs: particularly where gender transition is pertinent 
  • Confident to revise your school, academy or college’s Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies
  • Inspired to work towards a whole-school approach promoting inclusion and equality

For more information about our workplace related training or consultancy, email